U           bertron-X
by: Tarik Hadi


First comic Previous comic

February 5th, 2002

Heiha! It's amazing, my SECOND issue. This is big news out there for anyone who knows me. Yes it's true, I actually followed through with my idea. Now if only I didn't have this blasted cold, or my Geography project, or my Science test, I'd be really pleased today......

February 2nd, 2002

Ah yes, my first comic. I feel happy at finally being able to express my feelings about life......
Giant Robots and smashing shit.........Anyways, more to come. I haven't decided a permanent schedule for updating it yet, but I will have at least 2 per week up. What a great day this is, I 
think I'll celebrate with a little German Grand Opera, farewell....

 Ubertron_X@hotmail.com Wanna email me with complaints and insults and all sorts of evil stuff? Well, then email away to...............

This is Devon Lake's online comic, if you're here and haven't been to his site yet, GO NOW!!!!!!(Warning: Will offend any and everybody :)


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